The start of a new year whilst trying to deal with the death of someone close brings a mix of emotions, and for children and young people this can be especially challenging.

“There is something about endings that are implied at New Year, like a need to reflect on the past, or let go of what was and embrace the new. New Year, like many other times that are recognised for celebration and cheer, can be especially difficult after the death of someone close, and associated with intense emotional pain. At Grief Encounter, what we remember is that even as time passes, we take our relationships with all those who have died with us into the New Year, reflecting and finding comfort from memories past, as we grow around our grief and face a new normal.” comments Suzanne Turner-Jones, Grief Encounter CEO.

Ways that can help bereaved children and families as we approach this difficult time:
💜Acknowledging that Grief is Unique and that it’s OK to feel different from each other at these times.
💜 Encouraging bringing their memory into an occasion. Just to ‘Say their name’ can help open up the conversation to bring comfort.
💜 Take each day one at a time, even the New Year, to acknowledge feelings and think through ways to face the future.
💜 Share memories, tell stories, reflect and remember – looking back at photos or sharing special moments can bring comfort and joy.
💜 Recognising when emotions have been triggered that might be related grief, acknowledging how the children or young person might feel.
💜 Doing things that are caring and comforting for children and young people, including encouraging healthy routines.