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post 6 - keeping it real

Reunited with their dad, Hansel and Gretel can now break out of the fairy tale and come back to the reality that Mum has died, and they will be ok. As a family they sing Hansel’s lullaby – watch the video clip.

As included in Grief Encounter’s Griefbook, take a look at some of our calming ideas below and see if there is something you can do now in these woods to help express yourself and feel stronger.

  • Count to ten slowly (and back!). Breathe.
  • Let out a silent scream.
  • Have a really good laugh, with someone or by yourself.
  • Do physical exercise.
  • Stamp your feet and have a hissy fit by yourself!
  • Feel the anger and share with someone you can trust about it.

Now step through the gateposts, marked with purple rope, and head to the top of the hill for a final place of remembrance…