For support, call
0808 802 0111
Weekdays 9:30am-3pm

Thank you for submitting a referral enquiry

We hope to be in touch with you as soon as possible. If you need to speak to our Bereavement Support Team in the meantime, please don't hesitate to contact us on 0808 802 0111, weekdays 9:30am-3pm, and let us know you are enquiring about your referral form.

Help, support, advice, guidance signpost

What will happen next

  • One of our Bereavement Support Team will be in touch
  • They will tell you about the range of support available
  • The next steps will be explained

We promise we will be in touch as soon as possible.

In the meantime, why not visit The Memory Wall to light a candle in memory of someone special – see link below



If you or anyone else needs immediate help or is not safe:


Other specialist services you can use are:

Samaritans – tel: 116 123
Search for your nearest NHS Accident & Emergency
NHS also have a service to find your local urgent mental health helpline